Stages of Labor Other Name Description Duration 1st Stage Latent Phase Active Phase Transition Phase 2nd Stage 3rd Stage 4th Stage
Question Mrs. J. is a 25-y/o gravida 2, para 1, who was admitted at full term at 5:00 p.m. She stated that she had been having contractions at 8 to 10 minute intervals since 4 p.m. They lasted 25 seconds. She also stated that she had been having “a lot of false labor” and this makes her still able to feed and able to maintain a conversation and is getting excited. But now she hoped that this was “the real thing”. Her membranes were still intact. Mrs. J.’s temperature, pulse and respirations were normal and her blood pressure was 115/70. The fetal heart tones were 140 and regular. The nurse examined Mrs. J. and found that the baby’s head was at +1 station, and the cervix was 4 cm. dilated and 70 percent effaced.By accomplishing the table below, you will be able to determine the progress of labor of Mrs. J.Image transcription textStages of Labor Other Name Description Duration 1st Stage Latent Phase Active Phase Transition Phase 2ndStage 3rd Stage 4th Stage… Show more Health Science Science Nursing CONAH 103 Share QuestionEmailCopy link Comments (0)