Procedure Place the strawberries in a zip lock baggie. Remove the…

Question Procedure Place the strawberries in a zip lock baggie. Remove the… ProcedurePlace the strawberries in a zip lock baggie.Remove the air from the bag and squish the contents until completely liquefied.Use the strainer and slowly add the slurry to a plastic cup.  Add 2 teaspoons of water, detergent and salt to the cup and mix well Slowly pour the ice-cold alcohol into the beaker to roughly the same volume as the strawberry slurry.  At the interface, you will see the DNA precipitate out of solution and float to the top. You may spool the DNA on a toothpick and take a closer look.DNA is soluble in water, but not in alcohol. What does this fact have to do with our method of extraction? Explain what happened when the ethanol came in contact with the strawberry extract. What could you do differently to increase the yield and purity of the DNA sample? What are some sources of error that may have stopped you from getting the exact amount of DNA in each strawberry? Biology Science Genetics BIOLOGY SBI4UC Share QuestionEmailCopy link Comments (0)