Dissertation Methodology | Chapter 3: Research Methodology

How to Write a Dissertation Methodology | Chapter 3: Research Methodology

Writing a dissertation methodology involves elucidating the intended actions or research techniques employed in your study. When part of the dissertation proposal, it’s articulated in the future tense, shifting to past tense in the finalized dissertation post actual research. This crucial chapter expounds on the philosophical foundations of chosen research methods, justifying their selection with clear academic reasoning tied to existing literature. The dissertation methodology typically encompasses the following sections.

Structure of a Dissertation Methodology:


Initiating the dissertation methodology requires a concise introduction, spotlighting the investigated research problem, purpose, overarching research methodology, and chapter organization. Restating research questions and hypotheses may also be fitting in this section.

Research Design

This section delves into an intricate explanation of the chosen research philosophy, paradigm, and overall research approach, warranting their preference over alternative methodologies. Common research paradigms include positivism, constructivist/interpretivism, critical/transformative, and pragmatic. Research approaches span quantitative, qualitative, and mixed-method research. The section also mandates the identification, explanation, and justification of the specific research design, divulging its advantages and drawbacks. Recognized research designs entail experimental, quasi-experimental, survey, causal-comparative, action research, case study, and phenomenological study. Definitions of dependent, independent, or moderating variables are crucial, accompanied by reasons for their study. This section might also encompass the conceptual framework if not covered in the introduction.

Population and Sample

This segment necessitates the identification and depiction of the study’s target population, detailing its characteristics. The population forms the basis for sample extraction, and the sampling frame, technique, and the actual sample size must be clearly elucidated with sound academic justifications. Probability and non-probability sampling methods (e.g., simple random sampling, stratified random sampling, purposive sampling) should be distinctly addressed, grounding the choice in the research’s context.

Data Collection Methods and Instrumentation

Here, the chosen methods for data collection (e.g., surveys, interviews, focus groups, observations) and corresponding instruments (e.g., questionnaires, interview protocols) demand an explicit description. Instruments must align with research objectives or questions, and details should cover standardization, structure, nature of items, scales, scoring procedures, validity, reliability, and administration protocols.

5 Data Collection Methods
  • Surveys, quizzes, and questionnaires.
  • Interviews.
  • Focus groups.
  • Direct observations.
  • Documents and records (and other types of secondary data, which won’t be our main focus here)

Data Collection Procedures

This segment necessitates a meticulous account of data collection procedures, encompassing pilot studies and actual research procedures. Clarity is paramount for replicability, ensuring another researcher can emulate the procedures for similar conclusions. A comprehensive overview includes the design and development of research instruments, pilot testing, scheduling, distribution, collection, timing, and participant instructions.

Data Analysis Methods

This section identifies and elucidates the techniques for data analysis, specifying the analytical framework’s variability in tackling distinct research questions. For qualitative data, methods like thematic analysis, content analysis, narrative analysis, and discourse analysis may be highlighted. Quantitative data analysis involves descriptive (e.g., frequencies, measures of central tendency, measures of central dispersion) and inferential statistics (e.g., correlation, regression, analysis of variance). Tools such as Excel, SPSS, STATA, R, or SAS should be mentioned, alongside how data will be presented.

Chapter Summary

Concluding the methodology chapter involves summarizing key discussed points. Additionally, a seamless introduction to the subsequent chapter may be incorporated, providing an overview of what will be covered in the findings chapter.

Expert Assistance with Dissertation Methodology

Navigating the intricacies of choosing a methodology and research methods for a dissertation can be challenging. While supervisors or dissertation chairs may provide general guidance, specific uncertainties may persist. Consulting standard research method textbooks or seeking guidance from a research methodology expert can be beneficial. Onlinefreelancersnetwork offers reliable support in structuring your research methodology, ensuring alignment with research questions, objectives, and existing literature. Our experts aid in developing the conceptual framework to map out variable relationships, facilitating the selection of the best research approach. We assist in choosing and discussing appropriate research methods, providing academic rationale for each choice and linking it to relevant literature. For assistance in crafting your dissertation’s third chapter, feel free to contact us. Our services are affordable, available 24/7, and our adept writers are ready to assist. We guide you through the data collection process, covering interviews, questionnaire administration, focus groups, observations, and the gathering of secondary data.

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