Course outcomes: CO 2. Identify characteristics of professional behavior including emotional intelligence, communication, and conflict resolution….

Question Answered step-by-step  Course outcomes: This assignment enables the student to meet thefollowing course outcomes: CO 2. Identify characteristics of professional behavior including emotional intelligence, communication, and conflict resolution. Due date: Refer to the course calendar for due date information. Total points possible: 125 points Preparing the assignment There are three parts to this assignment. Speak with your faculty member if you have questions. 1. Letter for Graduation (30 points/24%) a. Your assignment is to write a letter to yourself on your graduation day. b. Consider the following questions as you compose your letter. i. How do you hope you have changed in terms of knowledge and skills, and personally? ii. What would you like to remind yourself about your inspiration for choosing this career? iii. You will be preparing to take the NCLEX exam and to start your first job as a baccalaureate-prepared nurse. Are there any words of encouragement that you would like to tell your future self? iv. Are there any words of caution you want to tell yourself—pitfalls to avoid? v. What kind of nurse do you hope you have become? What further growth and change do you envision for yourself?  1. Describes the inspiration and the relationship of the inspiration to being a nurse 2. Defines one concept that was challenging about the course 3. Discusses the most important lesson learned 4. Summarizes how the NR103 course will help with preparation to be successful at Chamberlain. All criteria met Three criteria met Two criteria met One or no criteria met Total Points Possible = 125 points Health Science Science Nursing NR 103 Share QuestionEmailCopy link Comments (0)