Arizona State University Economics Essay


I am writing a research paper about the space race and its economical impacts of the U.S. I have already completed a powerpoint presentation on it. The attached file will be the writing assignment requirements for the paper. I will also attach the presentation slides to be used as reference for an outline if needed. Please ask if you have any questions!

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Guidelines for Writing Your Research Paper
1. Length and Format
The paper is to be typed, double-spaced, using a common font such as Calibri, Times
New Roman or Arial. Use a font size no larger than 12 point. The paper must be at least three
pages in length plus a bibliography. (I am more concerned about papers that are too short than
ones that are overlong.)
2. Sources
You need to have at least four sources, none of which can be the assigned texts or
readings. You can use those texts and readings to provide supplemental information but the
bulk of the material for your paper should come from other sources. One source I won’t accept
is Wikipedia simply because it is open source and not necessarily vetted.
Sources should be listed in a separate bibliography (which is in addition to the three
page minimum) Sources should be listed in alphabetical order and properly formatted. Some
examples are listed:
Book: Author with Last Name first for lead author, Year, Title: Subtitle (if there is one),
Publisher: Location of Publisher [Chandler, Alfred D. (1977), The Visible Hand: The Managerial
Revolution in American Business, Belknap (Harvard): Cambridge, MA.]
Article: Author with Last Name first for lead author, (Year), “Title of article”, Source of
article (Magazine, Journal, etc), Volume, Number, Date. [Atkinson, Glen, Eric Hake and Stephen
Paschall (2019) “Evolution of the Corporation in the United States: Stabilized Scarcity and
Vested Interests”, Journal of Economic Issues, Volume LIII, No. 1, March.]
Information sources from the internet
Identifying criteria: Author (if known), title of article (if known), website, website address, date
accessed. [“Great Railroad Strike of 1877”, Ohio History Central,, accessed Feb 11, 2020]
If there is neither author nor title, then identify it some other way such as “New York
Fed” or “; don’t just use the website address! If you use more than one article from
the same website, identify them separately ie: gold rush and Francisco mint.
3. Citations
All sources should be cited in the paper at the point where you use them. Cites do not
need all of the information that is present in the sources, just enough to identify the source.
For example:
[The volume of shares traded on the New Stock Exchange grew from hundreds of
transactions per week in the 1830s to hundreds of thousands of transactions per week in the
1850s. (Chandler, p92.).]
If you use words directly from the text, then enclose them in quotation marks.
[“In the 1850s, skillful securities manipulators were becoming nationally known figures.
Jacob Barker, Daniel Drew, Jim Fiske and Jay Gould, all made their dubious reputations by
dealing in railroad securities.” (Chandler, p92.]
If you had used both of these without another source in between, you could have cited
the second source as (ibid, p92).
If you use more than one source from the same author, distinguish them in some way
(usually by date, if available).
For articles with two authors, cite both authors [as in (Conrad and Meyers)]. If there are
more than two authors, cite the lead author followed by [as in (Atkinson,]
These are guidelines. If you deviate from them, it is not a big deal as long as I can
identify your sources and you cite them in the paper. Above all, be consistent. If you use inpaper cites (as in my example) use them for all cites. If you use footnotes, use them for all
cites. Don’t mix the two.
Remember, sources and cites are two different things and both need to be in the paper.

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Explanation & Answer:
3 pages



Space Race

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