Question Answered step-by-step 1.Scenario: A 6-year old Caucasian boy is brought into the… 1. Scenario: A 6-year old Caucasian boy is brought into the pediatrician’s office by his mother for his annual physical. The nurse observes the child sitting on the exam table dressed in clean pants and shirt and looking at a book. The child is cooperative and follows commands and is using age appropriate language.General survey information of this patient includes: What other information does the nurse want to obtain for a complete general survey of this patient?2. Skin Assessment:a. Color:b. Vascularity:c. Lesions:d. Edema:e. Key terms:Scenario: Mr. Jones is a 52-year old middle school teacher presenting to his primary care office for his yearly physical. His visible skin is a pale pink, warm and dry, smooth, with no signs of tenting when the skin is pinched. He has some swelling at his ankles. He reports no changes in the mole on his back. · Identify what is being observed and determine the type of skin assessment being measured. (For example, pale pink is measuring skin color). 3. Hair, nails and scalp assessment:a. Key terms:b. What would be considered an abnormal finding fora. Hair?b. Scalp?c. Nails?c. How would you assess a patient’s nails?4. Head and neck assessment: a. Face:b. Teeth:c. Ears:d. Nose:e. Oral cavity:f. Neck:g. Eyes:What is PERRLA? How do you assess this?5. Circle the abnormal findings in the following example:John, a 45-year male: face symmetrical with no tenderness during palpation, coarse eyebrows extending 2/3 the width of his eyes, nose midline, teeth clean, presence of halitosis, slight drooping of the eyelids, conjunctiva red, ears symmetrical and nontender with large amount of cerumen, nares with small amount of yellow discharge, buccal mucosa pale and dry, palpable and nontender mass on the anterior of the neck.6. Thorax and Lung assessment:a. Normal:b. Abnormal:c. Landmarks:d. Lung sounds:e. Adventitious lung sounds:7. Circle the abnormal findings in the following example:Sara, a 32- year old female: alert and oriented, 28 respirations per minute, cough on inspiration, skin pink and warm, equal chest expansion, wheezing auscultated over right upper lobe. 8. Cardiac Assessment:a. Landmarks:b. Normal:c. Abnormal:d. S1, S2:e. S3, S4:9. Betty, a 78-year old female resident of a long-term care facility: During auscultation of Betty’s heart, the nurse hears “Ken-TUCK-y”. What are you hearing and why?10. Peripheral Vascular Assessment:a. Pulses:When assessing an at rest patient’s radial pulse, the nurse notes that it is bounding. Is this normal? Why or why not?b. CPR:11. Abdominal Assessment:a. Normal:b. Abnormal:c. Hypoactive:d. Hyperactive:e. Absent:f. Key terms:12. Circle the abnormal findings in the following example:Bob, a 16-year old male: umbilicus midline with no bulges, no abdominal distention, reports pain in right lower quadrant, presence of striae, uniform color, bowel sounds heard every 6 minutes, no bruit auscultated, rebound tenderness during palpation.13. Reproductive Assessment:a. Questions to ask:b. Normal:c. Abnormal:14. Musculoskeletal Assessment:a. Key Terms:b. ROM:c. Tremor:Mary, an 81-year old female, is at a greater risk for ________________________. What are 3 factors that might increase her risk? 15. Neurologic Assessment:a. Appearance:b. Aphasia:c. Orientation:d. Affect:e. LOC:f. Glasgow Coma Scale:16. Terry, an 18 year old male, is transported to the ER via stretcher following an automobile accident. EMS reports his GCS as 7. Is this score good or bad? Why? Health Science Science Nursing Share QuestionEmailCopy link Comments (0)