Question two please

Question Answered step-by-step Question two please Question two pleaseImage transcription textphy Section WOB Spring Semes bit. Exam Section for Batch 1 – Intro to Philosophy Section WOB SpringSemester 2. C In The Most Recent on for Batch 1 Gabby Akbasheva: Attempt 1 To meet needs directly Forlong-term good Question 2 (0.25 points) Saved 1) Listen In what sense is socialism sometimes cal… Show more… Show more  Political Science Social Science Government GOVT 123 Share QuestionEmailCopy link Comments (0)

The starship Enterprise leaves a distant earth colony, which is…

Question Answered step-by-step The starship Enterprise leaves a distant earth colony, which is… The starship Enterprise leaves a distant earth colony, which is nearly at rest with respect to the earth. The ship travels at nearly constant velocity toward earth. When the Enterprisereaches earth 1.02 y has elapsed, as measured on the ship. Clocks in the earth’s reference frame show that the voyage lasted 2.82 y.How far from earth is the colony, as measured in the reference frame of the earth? (b) How far from earth is the colony, as measured in the reference frame of the ship?   Science Physics PHYS 1260 Share QuestionEmailCopy link Comments (0)

Some facilities manage record completion policies via the hiring of…

Question Answered step-by-step Some facilities manage record completion policies via the hiring of… Some facilities manage record completion policies via the hiring of physician liaisons or scribes to assist providers with documentation. In your opinion, what are some of the potential issues and benefits to this approach Health Science Science Nursing NLM 106 Share QuestionEmailCopy link Comments (0)

1.Scenario: A 6-year old Caucasian boy is brought into the…

Question Answered step-by-step 1.Scenario: A 6-year old Caucasian boy is brought into the… 1.    Scenario: A 6-year old Caucasian boy is brought into the pediatrician’s office by his mother for his annual physical. The nurse observes the child sitting on the exam table dressed in clean pants and shirt and looking at a book. The child is cooperative and follows commands and is using age appropriate language.General survey information of this patient includes: What other information does the nurse want to obtain for a complete general survey of this patient?2.    Skin Assessment:a.    Color:b.   Vascularity:c.    Lesions:d.   Edema:e.    Key terms:Scenario: Mr. Jones is a 52-year old middle school teacher presenting to his primary care office for his yearly physical. His visible skin is a pale pink, warm and dry, smooth, with no signs of tenting when the skin is pinched. He has some swelling at his ankles. He reports no changes in the mole on his back. ·      Identify what is being observed and determine the type of skin assessment being measured. (For example, pale pink is measuring skin color).  3.     Hair, nails and scalp assessment:a.    Key terms:b.   What would be considered an abnormal finding fora.    Hair?b.   Scalp?c.    Nails?c.    How would you assess a patient’s nails?4.     Head and neck assessment: a.    Face:b.   Teeth:c.    Ears:d.   Nose:e.    Oral cavity:f.     Neck:g.   Eyes:What is PERRLA? How do you assess this?5.    Circle the abnormal findings in the following example:John, a 45-year male: face symmetrical with no tenderness during palpation, coarse eyebrows extending 2/3 the width of his eyes, nose midline, teeth clean, presence of halitosis, slight drooping of the eyelids, conjunctiva red, ears symmetrical and nontender with large amount of cerumen, nares with small amount of yellow discharge, buccal mucosa pale and dry, palpable and nontender mass on the anterior of the neck.6.     Thorax and Lung assessment:a.    Normal:b.   Abnormal:c.    Landmarks:d.   Lung sounds:e.    Adventitious lung sounds:7.   Circle the abnormal findings in the following example:Sara, a 32- year old female: alert and oriented, 28 respirations per minute, cough on inspiration, skin pink and warm, equal chest expansion, wheezing auscultated over right upper lobe. 8.     Cardiac Assessment:a.    Landmarks:b.   Normal:c.    Abnormal:d.   S1, S2:e.    S3, S4:9.   Betty, a 78-year old female resident of a long-term care facility: During auscultation of Betty’s heart, the nurse hears “Ken-TUCK-y”. What are you hearing and why?10.   Peripheral Vascular Assessment:a.    Pulses:When assessing an at rest patient’s radial pulse, the nurse notes that it is bounding. Is this normal? Why or why not?b.   CPR:11.   Abdominal Assessment:a.    Normal:b.   Abnormal:c.    Hypoactive:d.   Hyperactive:e.    Absent:f.     Key terms:12. Circle the abnormal findings in the following example:Bob, a 16-year old male: umbilicus midline with no bulges, no abdominal distention, reports pain in right lower quadrant, presence of striae, uniform color, bowel sounds heard every 6 minutes, no bruit auscultated, rebound tenderness during palpation.13.   Reproductive Assessment:a.    Questions to ask:b.   Normal:c.    Abnormal:14.   Musculoskeletal Assessment:a.    Key Terms:b.   ROM:c.    Tremor:Mary, an 81-year old female, is at a greater risk for ________________________. What are 3 factors that might increase her risk? 15.   Neurologic Assessment:a.    Appearance:b.   Aphasia:c.    Orientation:d.   Affect:e.    LOC:f.     Glasgow Coma Scale:16. Terry, an 18 year old male, is transported to the ER via stretcher following an automobile accident. EMS reports his GCS as 7. Is this score good or bad? Why? Health Science Science Nursing Share QuestionEmailCopy link Comments (0)

Which statement is true of same-sex marnage? a. Same sex marriage…

Question Which statement is true of same-sex marnage? a. Same sex marriage… Image transcription text37. Which statement is true of same-sex marnage? a. Same sex marriage does not have the same beheterosexual marriage…. Show more Arts & Humanities English Share QuestionEmailCopy link This question was created from Chapter 5.rtf Comments (0)

1. how does poor medicine adherence in older adult falls into the…

Question Answered step-by-step 1. how does poor medicine adherence in older adult falls into the… 1. how does poor medicine adherence in older adult falls into the ROper tierney model?Describe specifically one from the Roper Tierney model?Which aspect under Roper Tierney model is affect due to poor medicine adherence and  Describe briefly2. How self monitoring the blood glucose level in older adults r adult falls into ROper tierney model?Describe specifically one from the Roper Tierney model? Describe briefly Health Science Science Nursing NRSG 372 Share QuestionEmailCopy link Comments (0)

Describe how the creativity model you have chosen interacts or…

Question Answered step-by-step Describe how the creativity model you have chosen interacts or… Describe how the creativity model you have chosen interacts or overlaps with the concept of innovation.ty model you have chosen interacts or overlaps with the concept of innovation. Business Management Human Resource Management LDR 4305 Share QuestionEmailCopy link Comments (0)

Write System Disorder for a patient with Antisocial Personality…

Question Answered step-by-step Write System Disorder for a patient with Antisocial Personality… Image transcription textIPsychosocial Integrity – Study Ma x System Disorder X + V X C @ File |C:/Users/momolaja7661/Downloads/System_Disorder_form.pdf Q E M Gmail YouTube 9 Maps . MyPortal 3Canvas S New Tab Career Edge Lincoln G Bancroft Buzz E System Disorder 83% + ACTIVE LEA… Show more… Show moreWrite System Disorder for a patient with Antisocial Personality Disorder Health Science Science Nursing NUR 131 Share QuestionEmailCopy link Comments (0)

On the top floor of a special hospital, Winterbourne View, at…

Question Answered step-by-step On the top floor of a special hospital, Winterbourne View, at… On the top floor of a special hospital, Winterbourne View, at Hambrook, South Gloucestershire in England, locked away from their families and friends, a group of men and women were subjected to a regimen of physical assaults, systematic brutality, and torture by the very people supposed to be caring for them. The victims were some of the most vulnerable in society – the learning disabled, the autistic, and the suicidal. Posing as a care worker, the BBC’s Panorama reporter Joe Casey recorded footage of residents being abused. Winterbourne View, at Hambrook, South Gloucestershire, was closed in the wake of the scandal, with the judge praising the television investigator for stopping what had been ‘systematic abuse’. Police in Bristol have arrested four people after secret filming by BBC Panorama found a pattern of serious abuse at this residential hospital.” (BBC) What examples of abuse do you observe?2. How do you think a situation like this could ever happen? 3. Conduct some research of your own to find out what safeguards are put in place in Canada to prevent this from occurring.4. Who were the heroes in this story?5. Find one recent (last two years) media article of a situation in Canada where seniors or the disabled were being abused. Provide a link to the news article.6. In what ways are the news stories the same and different?7. Why is abuse of this very special population almost invisible? Law Social Science Criminal Justice CRIM 1201 Share QuestionEmailCopy link Comments (0)

please mark correct option for these questions

Question Answered step-by-step please mark correct option for these questions please mark correct option for these questions Image transcription textQuestion 35 (3 points) Cerne giant, often identified as Hercules is now securely dated to. O Eighteenth centuryPre-Roman Belgic times Roman empire period of Angles and Saxons Question 36 (3 points) The reason anymap of Rome would fail as a map of the religions of the Empire. class was always more important … Show more… Show more   Science Earth Science Share QuestionEmailCopy link Comments (0)