Description Could you assist me with this (1) accounting problem and a breakdown of how the problem is completed by 5pm today 7/17/16?Tim Legler requires an estimate of the cost of goods lost by fire on March 9. Merchandise on hand on January 1 was $38,110. Purchases since January 1 were $92,740; freight-in, $4,400; purchase returns and allowances, $2,300. Sales are made at 33 1/3% above cost and totaled $131,400 to March 9. Goods costing $11,010 were left undamaged by the fire; remaining goods were destroyed. (a) Compute the cost of goods destroyed. Cost of goods destroyed  $___________________________ (b) Compute the cost of goods destroyed, assuming that the gross profit is 33 1/3% of sales. (Round ratios for computational purposes to 5 decimal places, e.g. 78.72345% and final answer to 0 decimal places, e.g. 28,987.) Cost of goods destroyed  $________________________________ User generated content is uploaded by users for the purposes of learning and should be used following Studypool’s honor code & terms of service.


Could you assist me with this (1) accounting problem and a breakdown of how the problem is completed by 5pm today 7/17/16?Tim Legler requires an estimate of the cost of goods
lost by fire on March 9. Merchandise on hand on January 1 was $38,110.
Purchases since January 1 were $92,740; freight-in, $4,400; purchase returns
and allowances, $2,300. Sales are made at 33 1/3% above cost and totaled
$131,400 to March 9. Goods costing $11,010 were left undamaged by the fire;
remaining goods were destroyed.
(a) Compute the cost
of goods destroyed.
Cost of goods destroyed 
(b) Compute the cost of goods destroyed, assuming that the gross profit is
33 1/3% of sales. (Round ratios for computational purposes to 5 decimal places,
e.g. 78.72345% and final answer to 0 decimal places, e.g. 28,987.)
Cost of goods destroyed 

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