An investor has just purchased a ten year 5% coupon bond for a…

Question Answered step-by-step An investor has just purchased a ten year 5% coupon bond for a… An investor has just purchased a ten year 5% coupon bond for a price of $69.28 per $100 of face value. What is the approximate percentage change in the price of the bond if the yield curve is currently flat at 10% per annum, but is expected fall by 0.5% per annum by the end of the day. Assume annual compounding. (Hint: one way to approach this problem is to work out the Macaulay duration of the bond, and then determine the approximate change in the price of the bond using the Macaulay duration).Group of answer choicesAround -3.5% Around -1.75% Around 3.5% Around 5% Around 1.75%  Business Finance BUS F303 Share QuestionEmailCopy link Comments (0)

Ageism is a form of discrimination defined by the World Health…

Question Ageism is a form of discrimination defined by the World Health… Ageism is a form of discrimination defined by the World Health Organization as “stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination against people on the basis of their age.” Ageism is a widespread and insidious practice that can have harmful effects on the health of older adults.Instructions:Answer the following questions as thoroughly and concisely as possible:Discuss how ageism differs from racism and sexism. Point out that we will never know what it is like to be a different gender or a different race. We hope, however, that we will all know what it is like to be old.Old is a relative measure of time, yet it conveys strong, mostly negative impressions. How might these attitudes about old affect one’s attitudes about growing old? About being with older people?How might negative attitudes about aging influence public policy, health careers and social programs for older people? Health Science Science Nursing NUR 1060C Share QuestionEmailCopy link Comments (0)

Van Gogh. Compltez cette biographie en utilisant les verbes…

Question Answered step-by-step Van Gogh. Compltez cette biographie en utilisant les verbes…  Van Gogh. Complétez cette biographie en utilisant les verbes suivants: suivre, poursuivre, vivre, habiter. Mettez tous les verbes, excepté le numéro 7, au présent.Vincent Van Gogh est né en 1853 à Groot-Zundert, aux Pays-Bas. En 1877, il _________1 des cours pour devenir pasteur (preacher), mais malheureux, il change d’avis. Il ________2 des études de dessin anatomique parce qu’il veut devenir artiste. Après des séjours en Belgique et aux Pays-Bas, où il peint Les Mangeurs de pommes de terre, il __________3 à Paris, où il fait la connaissance des peintres impressionnistes comme Monet. C’est Pissarro qui le convainc d’utiliser des couleurs vives (bright). À Paris, Van Gogh ne vend aucun* tableau; il __________4 dans la misère (poverty). De 1888 jusqu’à sa mort, Van Gogh _________5 le sud de la France où il __________6 sa passion pour la peinture. De plus en plus tourmenté, il se suicide en 1890. Il ________7 (passé composé) seulement jusqu’à l’âge de 37 ans et n’a vendu qu’un seul tableau pendant sa vie.  Foreign Language French FRE 1110 Share QuestionEmailCopy link Comments (0)

Mutual supplementation Are fat-soluble vitamins stored by the human…

Question Mutual supplementation Are fat-soluble vitamins stored by the human… Image transcription textMutual supplementation Are fat-soluble vitamins stored by the human body? Marasmus Can megadosing ofsome vitamins be deadly?… Show more Science Health Science Share QuestionEmailCopy link This question was created from FINAL EXAM STUDY GUIDE.pdf Comments (0)

What is porosity and how is it related to permeability? Porosity…

Question What is porosity and how is it related to permeability? Porosity… Image transcription text2. What is porosity and how is it related to permeability? Porosity refers to how much holes or pores a soil has.Porosity is related to permeability because it relates the concept of liquid and gas passing through a given soiland how much pass through the different types of soil…. Show more Earth Science Science Geography Share QuestionEmailCopy link This question was created from porosity.docx Comments (0)