The Elegant Resorts and Jet2 Company

  1. The Elegant Resorts and Jet2 Company

1.1 Introduction

The Elegant Resorts and the Jet2 are online Companies that have different marketing models. The companies sells similar commodities however, they package them differently. The companies’ marketing model is hitched on their client’s lifestyles and attitude. It is therefore necessary for the company to fully comprehend the buying behavior of the customers and even how they make their decisions.  The basic difference between the companies is their pricing strategies. Jet2 uses a cost leadership strategy whereas the Elegant Resort uses a high price strategy entangled on high value services. Elegant resort emphasizes more on quality and classiness instead of prices. The companies have high levels of marketing similarities while at the same note they contrast greatly. The paper compares and contrasts the Elegant Resorts and Jet in terms of their marketing orientation.

1.2 The Elegant Resorts and Jet2 Company

Jet2 is a leisure airline company which flies clients to key holiday destinations based on seven UK and one in Spain bases since 2003. It is a subsidiary of Dart Group PLC. Its other operations besides carrying passengers are that it carries mails and cargos. It is a British company that operates from the Leeds Bradford Airport in England. It has a wide variety of travelling packages that complements its air travel such as insurance, car hires, and in-flight meals. The company packages its services as on a low cost model whereby it charges low prices. The prices are considered fair and cheaper compared to that of other airlines. Besides offering the air transport services, the company targets tourists’ services. It arguments its air travel services by taking its clients to popular holiday destinations using variety of aircrafts (Jet2, 2016).

On the other hand, the Elegant Resorts is a luxury travel and tour agency. It offers tourist destination to its clients that are tailor made to each and every one’s uniqueness. It boasts of almost thirty years experience and knowledge in the travel business. Unlike Jet2, Elegant Resort is just a travel agent. It targets the high end clients who have a taste of exotic and expensive goods. The company also markets itself on the basis of high quality services. For example, it highly accentuates its booking services and holiday packages. It also doubles up as a tour consultant.

The two companies therefore have different Unique Selling Proposition which makes them stand out from each other. On that basis, clients can easily differentiate each company from the other. They target different clientele. Jet2 targets people who prefer low prices while Elegant Resorts targets people who prefer high end quality services. Therefore, the approach of the two companies in marketing is quite different.

Jet2 clients are in the middle class and the upper side of middle class. It poses as a premium service provider at a low cost. The low cost model relies on economies of scale concept whereby it expects to make as much sales in order to make profits. The model cannot thrive on a low turnover of clients. It requires a huge number of people consuming the products. By design, the low cost model is based on the idea of affordability. Many people can afford low cost services and therefore it is able to sustain sits business based on the big numbers of clients.

The elegant resorts on the other hand bank on providing high end luxurious services. In such a selling proposition, the cost of the services is usually under toned, rather the service provider emphasize much on the quality of the services offered. In our case, the Elegant Resorts through various media outlets sells itself as a prime service provider. It has received several awards as a way of recognizing its immense effort in the provision of high quality luxurious services. The awards include the Virgin Atlantic Airways Gold Achievement in 2013, luxury tour operator by The Sunday Times in 2010, and it was recognized by the Ultratravel 100 in the UK as the best small tour operator (ElegantResortsUK., 2016).

From Jet2 Website, the company largely poses as a tour travel agent; this could be as a result of its main business in the air travel. Jet2 has combined two business concepts at a go. The first one is the provision of the air travel services and the second is the sales of key tourist destinations.  Notably, the two business concepts are intertwined and have become the key identity of Jet2. No wonder their name Jet2, creating an impression of travelling via air to your holiday destination of choice. In contrast, the Elegant Resorts do not base their marketing on the means of travel like the Jet2 has done it. Rather they focus on the end goal which is the holiday destination. Their website is full of exquisite pictures and videos of the various hotels that they have partnered with. They have a category of air travel providers as partners thus setting themselves apart from the air travel business. On the same note, the holiday destinations are just partnership and the Elegant Resorts comes in as a tour consultant and operator. Clients ought to approach the company in search of their best holiday destination. The Elegant Resort in return advises the clients based on their tastes and other preferences such as affordability. As the company put it, it is able to tailor make every tour package in accordance to its clients taste and priorities (ElegantResortsUK, 2016).


  1. Comparison of the Jet2 and Elegant Resorts marketing styles

Websites:  Having a website may seem to a basic thing to any company today. However, despite the fact that most of the companies got their websites, the manner in which a website is made matters a lot in terms of marketing. The two companies have got websites which are easy to navigate. As a client, it is not hard to find whatever one is looking for. The websites plays an important role of informing clients. The various tour packages are well displayed in the sites. For example, the Elegant Resort has categorized its services in terms of regions, partners, awards, destination and so forth. The website is simple and has attractive pictorial demonstrations. The pictures capture the beautiful holiday destination where clients can visit.

On the other hand, Jet2 website has an outlay of all the services offered but it does not use a lot of pictures as Elegant Resort (Jet2, 2016; ElegantResortsUK., 2016). It instead list out its services with a pricelist tagged along. The approach is based on the company’s unique selling proposition which is based on a low price. Elegant resorts use a lot of pictures which are of high quality to demonstrate quality and create more urge to their clients to a visit to the holiday destinations. The high quality comes with a high price as well. It is clearly from the websites of the two companies that the two are selling holiday destinations but on a very different approach. They have been able to differentiate their products and develop their own clientele (Trauer and Ryan, 2005). Their respective web sites are and for Jet2 and Elegant Resort.

Blog spot: Through a blog spot called, the Elegant Resort are able to further reach out to their clients. Blogs play a key role in search engine optimization. So do websites. They create a strong online presence and people can easily find a company with a simple search. Jet2 do not have a blog and it should borrow the concept from the Elegant Resort in order to further strengthen its online presence.

Paid Search: It is a way of reaching out to the clients. The companies pay for adverts in the major search engine worldwide such as Google and Bing. Therefore, every time a potential client searches for one of the services offered by the companies, they are among the first one to be suggested to the client by the search engine.

Other ways related to search marketing include paid for inclusion feeds and pay per click (Riley, 1995).

Videos: Elegant Resort is so good at this. It has embedded many videos in its online sites such as its website, blogs, and in You Tube. Videos creates further creates an irresistible urge to the viewers to visit the holiday destinations in demonstration. The You Tube account is called (ElegantResortsUK., 2016).  Jet2 has a You Tube called (Jet2, 2016).

Social Media: The two companies have marked their presence online by the use of social media such face book, twitter, You tube, twitter among others. The social media creates a good platform for them to interact with their clients and even attract potential clients. Social media acts as a medium of communication between the company and the clients. It is an inevitable way of marketing today noting the scale at which the use of Social Medias has penetrated our society. They are more so important while marketing services suitable for the younger generations. Notably, the older generations are not good at using the social media.


  1. Contrast of the Jet2 and Elegant Resorts marketing styles

Unique selling Propositions: The two companies use different USPs. While Elegant Resorts base its USP on the quality of its service, Jet2 base its USP on prices. The two strategies form the foundation of the others forms of marketing that follows (Seaton and Bennett, 1996). For example, Jet2 lays a lot of emphasis on its pricing model in most of its adverts while the Elegant Resorts emphasis much on quality service and the exquisite nature of its holiday destination. As a result, the Elegant Resort uses lots of pictures and videos in its advertisements lure and create taste for its holiday packages (MacKay and Fesenmaier, 1997).

Diversification: Jet2 has exploited the concept to the full. It has diversified its services even though they are all built around leisure travel. For example, it offers travel insurance, car hires and parking, drinks while on board and so many other customized services that are a necessary to every traveler on holiday. It is able to offer such services because it is primarily an air carrier. Therefore, the extra services complement its core mandate. Leisure travel is an added value to its service hence making more valuable. Leisure travel generates high revenues. Elegant Resorts has some diversification but not as extensive as that from Jet2. Diversification facilitates a company to catch a wide range of clients and therefore make more revenues (Moutinho, 1987).

Online PR: The companies protect and promote their brands online via the use of their own Websites and the various social media. Online PR draws clients closer to the company. It creates connection and a basis of relation. Elegant Resorts have gone a step further by creating a blog spot unlike Jet2; it further plays a key role in entrenching public relation (Morgan, Pritchard and Pride, 2011).

Offline communication: Even though it is a primary mode of communication in advertisement. Elegant Resorts has gone a step further to launch their own magazine that publishes the news and the trends on holiday destinations. It is worth noting that magazines and marketing are some of the primary ways of reaching out to clients especially at the UK. According to Morgan and Pritchard (2000), the magazines and the newspaper take the biggest share in tourism and leisure advertising. At the bottom is outdoor advertising which takes 1 percent, followed by cinemas at 4 percent and radio and television at 6 percent and 30 percent respectfully. The newspapers and the magazines take 60 percent of advertisement share at the UK. This implies that people rely a lot on them (McWilliams, E.G. and Crompton, 1997). It is commendable that Elegant Resort has noted and started its own magazine called Elegant Traveler in 2003. Jet2 should follow suit in order for the company to reach out to more customers and also reduce its cost on advertisement.

  1. Lifestyles and Needs of Varying Clusters

Going by the different clientele each company targets, it is important that they understand the actual needs of their clients. The Elegant resort is required to fully comprehend the needs of the affluent while the Jet2 is required to understand the needs of the middle class and the upper middle class.

As Tribe (2015) explains, the taste of the clients is of paramount importance to the marketer such as the Elegant Resort. The company is required to comprehend the taste of the preferences of the affluent. The holiday packages should augment the lifestyles of the affluent clients. In that way the company would be a position to capture their interests. Some of the recreation facilities for the affluent class are golfing, boats, skiing, golfing among other activities. Therefore, the holiday destination should encompass such desires (Kandampully, Mok and Sparks, 2001).

The price of the service is not a key determiner while determining a holiday destination for the rich since they can afford even the expensive services. Rather, quality matters most. That is the reason the Elegant Resorts do not bother indicating their prices alongside their holiday destinations display. They instead focus much on the facilities, expected experience and the nature of the holiday package. The nature of the product is the most crucial thing in marketing (Riley, 1995). Even though the prices should be economical, they quality and the prices charged should be at par. Therefore, high end services tend to be costly as a reflection of their worth. The affluent do not like low quality cheap services. The quality of a brand plays a key role too. Therefore, it is critical for a company to invest wisely in a brand name. It is for that reason; the Elegant Resort comes out so clearly by indicating that it is a luxury travel and tour company. The company also targets celebrity clients. Such people are very careful of the choices they make; they invest heavily in their life and append a high value to it. Such is depicted through their lavish lifestyle. For a company to attract such kind of clientele, it has to offer services in an extremely exceptional way. Price charges are one of the key determiners to the choice of a high end client. Rarely can you find an affluent person associating themselves with cheap products (Woodside, Crouch, and Ritchie, 2001).

On the other hand, Jet2 largely targets the middle class people. These are people who are a bit sensitive to prices. As a result, it has to embed the price structures on its travel packages. They act as bait. The company has extensively done price differentiation. It offers same products at different prices for only a slight differentiation. The major advantage of cost leadership strategy is that a company has a large number of clientele. Therefore, as much as the prices are low, the large numbers makes it earn high revenue. The clients are very sensitive to price changes. Therefore, the price elasticity of demand is relatively high in such market. For that reason, Jet2 extensively offers price discounts (Jet2, 2016).

  1. Marketing aids

Each of the two companies target different clientele. Therefore, different means of advertisement and reaching out to them are required as well. The following are some of the marketing aids:

Search Marketing: The companies should pay to the search engines like Google to improve the visibility of their companies online. Search marketing involves developing key terms that are in tandem with the services offered by the company. When a clients searches for that specific or related services, the company under promotion appears among other suggestion. It also involves paying for inclusion feeds. Alternatively, a company should boost its search engine optimization (SEO).  Search marketing concept applies the same way in the two companies; however, their key words ought to differ. The key words should reflect the taste and the preferences of their clientele. Therefore, some of the key words for Jet2 would include Jet2holidays, low flight fares, free flights, and much more. On the other hand, the Elegant Resort key words should be like luxury holidays, elegant resorts, ultimate luxury holidays for family, travel experts, as so forth (Jet2, 2016; ElegantResortsUK., 2016).

Online PR: Through the use of social media and other online platforms such as a company’s website. A company can improve on its public relation and make it strong. The process involves consistent advertisement and promotions as well as engaging the clients online. In the process of marketing, the companies do offer solutions to the clients as well as consider their sentiments for service improvement. The end process is a strong brand. Since the two companies are dealing with different people classes of people. Their PR should match with the tastes and the attitude of their clients. For example, the Elegant Resort’s PR should have some sense of classiness, however, Jet2 do not need all that. It should emphasize on affordability of air tickets.

Offline communications: It is the process of reaching out to the clients via the use of traditional modes of communication such as direct mail, sponsorship, promotion campaigns, and advertisement on billboards, TVs, newspaper, and magazines. Placing advertisement on the newspaper and the magazines is the most successful way of advertisement in the tours and travel business (Morgan and Pritchard, 2000). The message carried on the offline Medias should reflect the client’s needs. The pictures too should go hand in hand with the client expectation. For example, the Elegant Resort advertisement should feature posh and lavish lifestyles. Jet2 adverts can focus on its affordable prices, discounts on offer, and baggage allowances.

Viral Marketing: It is a way of advertising using a self repeating mechanism which makes its viral (Nigel and Annette, 2015). The process involves the sharing of memes on face book, trending on twitter, and sharing a viral meme or video on whatsapp. Viral marketing reaches to very many people within a short while.

  1. Third parties

The third party companies that would play a key role in assisting the companies create and maintain loyalties are the advertising companies such as the Google, Microsoft, Face Book, Twitter, and other offline newspaper and magazine companies along with major TV companies in the UK.

  1. Conclusion

The two companies have created a strong online presence. They are also highly differentiated and as a result they are not in direct competition. The Elegant Resorts targets the high end clients whereas the Jet2 targets the middle and the upper middle class. Thus, the two have a different marketing strategy. Jet2 uses a cost leadership strategy. It charges low prices that are affordable to the many. Besides the use of the cost leadership strategy, Jet2t has diversified its services in a big way. It offers insurance cover to travelers, car hire services, parking services, and luggage carriage services; On the other hand, the Elegant Resort uses a focus strategy. It has focused on the high end clients and it offers them exquisite holiday packages. The holiday packages are in line with their taste of class and luxury.




  1. Bibliography

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Hiroshima and Nagasaki Bombing: A Friend or a Foe?

During the 6th of August 1945, the Hiroshima bombing happened followed by the Nagasaki bombing three days later. America released their atomic bomb “Little Boy” in the zone of Hiroshima Japan while the atomic bomb known as Fat man was the one launched in Nagasaki. These two major bombings that made history around the globe were caused by the plan of United States of America to establish their supremacy over the Soviet Union during the warfare of this era.

At 8:15 in the morning, the attack in Hiroshima was ongoing after the dub of “all clear” by the person in charge who alerted his squad (CND n.p). There were previously workers located in their working place and most of them were known to be leading to drive their children to schools. After the bombing, the explosion that happened was unexpected since warnings and messages were not delivered thoroughly and efficiently. There were workers in the buildings exposed in open areas that had the task to deliver valuables around the country as well as that of the messages for firebreaks.  A lot of people were not able to prepare and hide for protection while the bomb to the highest degree affected the northwest part of the center of the city. Hiroshima was well thought-out to be the commercial interior and principal executive part of the southwest Japan. The city as well is the head office for the Chogoku Regional and Second armies that made it one of the main indispensable command stations for military in the nation state. Furthermore, Hiroshima is well thought-out as one of the numerous large supply depositories for military apparatus and mainly known as the site for transport of troops along with supplies.

On the other hand, Nagasaki is an overcrowded type of metropolis that is located close to the mountain coast. There were two rivers wherein one of that is the Urakami River, the place where the Little Man atomic bomb fell. Both of its marketable and residential districts were positioned near the rivers’ basins and the city’s urban area is located in the terrains and stretches up to 35 square miles. The Nagasaki City had a immense history when it move toward to commercial commerce however it greatly turned down as the years go off ; its former associates and importers as well as exporters then instituted it harder to convey their goods as Nagasaki is mostly mountains and browbeat facilities which were then insufficiently present. Although with the Mitsubishi industry being there, the industry of Nagasaki recuperated its strength. Adding together, there was also the institution of the companies such as Mitsubishi Shipyards, Electrical Equipment Works, Arms Plant and Steel Works that are considered to be the four chief firms and corporations in the city.

It is therefore important to investigate on the effects of the bombing in Japan, specifically, in both Hiroshima and Nagasaki so as to know whether there had been any significant difference to the economy or power of both America and Japan. It is very disturbing as well that America did that just to impress and establish their name on warfare. Hence, thorough studies should be done on every domain of the plan of United States after bombing the poor country.

In relation to the thesis statement, it can therefore be said that the bombing really did not give the country any advantages in both the economic growth and advancements that the United States of America really planned for (Kartz, Osdoby, n.p). It was more of destructive and downgrading to be the country chosen for testing of deadly firearms. It is therefore needed to really look deeper on the effects and happenings after the bombing of the two cities, Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Reasons for the Bombing and its Effects on the Two Cities

The reasons stated by the United States for bombing are the following: one is that US was constraining the withdrawal of Japan and required them to admit their defeat in the swiftest time to subside the casualties of their own people (Tanaka, Young, n.p); secondly, the Americans wanted to take a shot on being the first one to use the atomic bombs in warfare and study how it affects every dominion of a nation and finally, is that the US decided to institute dominance over other powerful countries such as the Soviet Union by being first to attack Japan with their atomic bombs. There were equal teams created that aimed to fully investigate the consequence of bombing particularly on the determination, community life, transference, civil defense, physical impairment and considering both the economic and political ramifications of the incident (Kartz, Osdoby, n.p). Many experts were hired that functioned in the investigation starting  from the month of October up until December during the same year of 1945; the investigation was partaken by economists, architects,  photographers, draftsmen, engineers, fire experts as well as doctors adding up to at least 110 people.

The bombing that transpired in Hiroshima made a tremendous fire that sooner or later developed in a conflagration that made an upsetting death rate of not less than half the population of 350,000, approximately 100,000-180,000. In tally, 925 of all the constructions built in the metropolitan of Hiroshima existed were set into a blazing fire and thirteen square kilometers or approximately 5 square miles was burnt to remnants. This was because of the rushing of midair that voyaged at about 35 heaps per hour that come about hours subsequently the explosion. The atomic bombarding also had a prodigious impact on the administrations set for disaster administration as well as the life of the whole communities. Not fairly 30 percent of the inhabitants were injured while another 30 percent were deceased; these people remained part of the rescue groups but are now not functioning as well as the specialists and socio-civic assemblies. Congregates of people hunted for safe places to sojourn and food to vex and there were trips that accommodated these individuals. However, within the period frame totaling to 24 hours, many people departed back to their primordial places in pursuit for families  (Tanaka, Young, n.p), possessions and friends eager that they might still see and possess them. Conversely, there were obstructions present on roads that incapacitate these general public to effortlessly go back to their residences. There was correspondingly scarcity of lodging and food, at hand was practically nothing left ahead of them.

As a result of the event last 7th of August, there were already instructions passed on to facilitate the restoration projects as well as to mobilize all military troops to aid those in need. The buildings used by the armies were made into emergency sites were those were converted into hospital spaces and shelter to many. Supplies were delivered and distributed to the affected communities. Food, medicines, construction materials and clothing were also provided to the victims. People who were able to survive the tragedy helped out to those in need. Unfortunately, the medical assistance also becomes scarce given the fact that out of 200 doctors in the city of Hiroshima, only 30 were in good condition while 1654 nurses died leaving out only 126 nurses alive to help out with the medical duties and lastly three of the 45 existing hospitals only remained functional.  The lack of medical aids and facilities greatly account to the solemnity of casualties that happened in the city. There were great efforts from outside the city to help those affected however due to some constraints (The New York Times n.p); delays were inevitable that resulted to more and more devastations. Also, the fire-fighting team was lost and made consumed a great amount of time organizing rescue units of almost 30 hours. The transmission lines and system for distribution of the electricity were totally damaged but the transformers made out or rugged materials were able to be saved from the heat and blasts. It was only in the month of august that power was finally restored in the city. Also, the water supply was surprisingly saved from the bombing since it was concretized and buried underneath the earth. There were no leaks and pipes damaged. However, there were breakages of connections that six sewers became not useful.

On the other note, for Nagasaki, The city of Hiroshima was fortunate enough for the change in wind speed and directions that mitigate the firestorm that would have occurred as in the case of Hiroshima. However, like the case of Hiroshima, their medical facilities and doctors and nurses were badly devastated that more than 80 percent of the hospitals were completely damaged. Buildings made of wooden materials were burned into ashes and the death toll was about 80 percent. The disaster management facilities of the city were unorganized and the repair and reconstruction of water lines, electricity, roads, transportation and bridges were still. Out of 115 car company employees, only three survived the bombing and actually, during the month of November, no cars were seen functioning and travelling the whole city.

There was also a minimum possibility for life restoration as the official records, mass cremations, count of casualties were not possible to be done. Propitiously, even if there were no sanitary measures done within the whole city, epidemic outbreaks did not occur. Comparing the damage of Nagasaki and Hiroshima, the former had a badly greater one compared to the other even if it is smaller in radius. The destruction of the great corporations like Mitsubishi made the industry and company of Japan fell as it is one of the many reasons why the country had a good statistics. In addition, after the bombing, surveys were completed so as to assess the real damaged brought by the unfortunate event. The local as well as economic situation of the country was greatly dislocated. Losing the industries of steels in that the country greatly relied on was a big downfall. There were attempts to substitute steel with other products such as plastics but still, the decrease in pivotal industries and basic industries made a huge impact on their economy. There also ramifications and the manufacturing activities were greatly increased to 50 percent that was then just 25 percent. Furthermore, the financial system and banking had encountered many misfortunes such as mortgages and bankruptcies. There were greater chances that loans and salaries were deferred[1]. Unfortunately, it was impossible for the insurance companies to cover all of the damages made by the bombing. The demand for social service would greatly increase but the complimentary salary is more likely not to go on with the increase. People felt uncompensated. Government policies would likely be ignored since people were seeing the great decline in each individual’s stability as well as that of the countries, regional and national economic permanence (Kartz, Osdoby, n.p). The government would most likely require interventions in the goal to save more of the industries that would provide the needs, goods and services needed by the people.


Overall, the atomic violence made it almost impossible for Japan to recover and took them decades to at least recover their status economically. People who were lucky enough to survive the catastrophe were disoriented and threatened that made them not focus on the rehabilitation and restoration of their lives. The effects of the aftermath of the bombing of the United States also affected them; there were a decrease of food and industrial exports that will result to unbalanced payments, affecting the currency since dollar would be weakened. Even other countries that depend on US for their food supply also experienced shortages and scarcity of resources. Rehabilitations required a humongous amount of fortune but with great efforts, Japan was able to be back to where it really belongs and now, it is in the top ten of the world’s most influential and powerful countries in economic progress. Lastly, even if the country, Japan, was able to make life for its people, the bombing was really not helpful in any other possible way of thinking simply because it was very destructive and lots of lives were perished.

Works cited:

Campaign For Nuclear Disarmament (CND). The Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Web.

Ham, Paul. Hiroshima Nagasaki: The reak Story of the Atomic Bombings and their Aftermath. Web.

History Channel: Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Web.

Kartz,Arthur, Osdoby, Sima. The Social and Economic Effects of Nuclear War. Web.

Tanaka, Yuki, Young, Marilyn. Bombing Civilians A twentieth-Century history. Web.

The New York Times. Truman Says he made Final Decision to use the Atomic Bomb Against Japan. Web. http:/

What Makes Google the Best Place to Work and Why?


Google Incorporation is undoubtedly a dream place to work at and it is consistently being entitled as the best workplace and the best employer across the globe. The organization currently employs more than 57,000 employees in its various office worldwide, which shows that it the definitely one of the most sought after and adored employer among the talented individuals. Therefore, it is greatly wondered by the businesspersons, authors, and researchers and that is how Google has become such a great place to work. The answer to this question of what makes Google the best place to work is Google’s corporate culture, management, leadership of Google.  And the reason why is this culture, leadership, and management of Google ensure that its people have the optimal opportunities with maximum satisfaction that their work is contributing towards the organizational and social good (Luckerson, 2014).

Furthermore, there are numerous other factors that make Google Inc. one of the best workplaces that includes its inclusive perks, compensation, employee benefits such as three free meals every day, free vehicle facilities such as car wash, oil change, servicing, repair, maintenance, etc.. and their extensive Employee Medical Program and Employee Global Leave Education Programs, which allow their executive employees to pursue educational career by taking leave up to 5 years with a reimbursement of $150,000. They also facilitate their employee with unlimited sick leaves and also offer a $500 takeaway meal for those who recently entered parenthood. Google is a strong believer of the fact that treating its people at the best is more important than making money (Fortune, 2016).

The ultimate success of Google Inc. is obviously not a miracle. There are certain distinctive and fundamental driving factors that shape the distinctive organizational environment of Google Inc.

Competing in Global Marketplace

Google is competing globally with its numerous products and services in the market. All of above, its search engine is enjoying the ultimate position in the market. Likewise, the text-based search advertisement of Google is also well-known among the users as they are present on the page of search results. Moreover, Google Inc. has numerous advertising services and products that are specifically designed for publishers and marketers such as DoubleClick Ad Exchange. This alternative facilitates generating revenues for the organization and its DoubleClick Publishers version assist websites in tracking the performance of the advertisements. This is how Google is using its market power to persuade users using its products and services (Luckerson, 2014).


  1. Workforce Diversity

Google Inc. has incorporated a fair organizational system which aims at creating a thriving workplace environment. Google keeps on checking and rechecking its processes related to people, performance, and evaluation in order to ensure equality and fairness in offering opportunities in everything that can potentially influence Googlers. Furthermore, Google focuses on eradicating barriers in order to facilitate its employees to focus on their goals and interest. Some of its benefits are related with caregiver program and policies related to LGBT. Additionally, Google is the largest supporter and host of the dialogues session that focuses on discussing the unconscious bias factors that can affect the perception of an individual. This involves employees, clients, partners, and business persons from all over the world (Raymundo, 2016).

Morality & Ethics

The users of Google strongly believe that their information will be highly protected. This reflects the ethical and moral attitude of the organization for protecting the information. Google is also standing up for the individual right and freedom of expression (Luckerson, 2014).

Technological Innovation

The technological innovations at Google are limitless. The organization recites a mantra that work should be more than a job. This shows that the organization wants every Googler to outdo his routine job through creativity and innovation. Moreover, the organization always follows a mission that is based on a particular issue that the firm aims to resolve. This gives them direction and motivation to resolve the issues in order to add betterment to the society. Additionally, Google always aims at thinking bigger but starting on a smaller scale. The organization has developed a culture of innovation where everyone is allowed to spend some time just for bringing about new and innovative ideas. Every individual has also got an easier access to management and got the equal opportunity to share their ideas (Raymundo, 2016).

Google Inc. facilitate their users to exploit their services in various ways to search, download, and share information, communicate with people, and generating fresh content. Google allows users to share information by creating a Google Account which ensures an even better use of its functions such as by delivering you more accurate and relevant result for your next search and by allowing you to connect, communicate, and share with more people easily and quickly. Considering the Privacy Policy of Google Inc. it undertakes the three major components which state the following;

  • What is the type of information they collect, and why they accumulate and assemble it?
  • How will they be using this information?
  • Available options related to the access & update of information.

Google has tried its best to keep its policies as simple as possible; however, if someone is not familiar with terminologies like IP, Cookies, Browser and Pixel Tag then it’s advisable to get a basic definition of these terms to comprehend better. The major influence of these policies allows an individual user to exploit the maximum liberty of using, creating, and sharing information while allowing the organization to enjoy a user business of millions as people trust Google for its ultimate user privacy policy. Moreover, it enables the organization to avoid the litigations that may pop up regarding the privacy issues of individuals. These policies also allow Google to provide a defined framework and distinct criteria, which outline the operational and functional premises for the organization and for the users too to ethically move without any vagueness or elusiveness in the process (Luckerson, 2014).

In U.S organizations, the major work behavior practices that significantly affect diversity include several directions. Some of these essential attributes/directions are those that most unequivocally characterize a person; for instance, race, age, gender, sexual orientation, religion and physical disabilities. Primary attributes include those that are prone to changes such as educational background, instructive foundation, location, financial status, social status and religious background. On other hand, organizational settings would allude to explicitly acknowledge with the working environment, which incorporates informal and formal status, union participation and work location etc (Manjoo, 2013). There are five major principles that are useful in comprehending the complexities of diversity;

  • Diversity is extensive and far reaching but it is not limitless.
  • Diversity is dynamic and fluid.
  • Diversity differences are based on the differences and similarities.
  • Diversity is ingrained into non-essentialist ideas.
  • Diversity differences are specifically identified with how an individual approaches a piece of work.

For businesses, diversity has formed into a rational objective, which is resolved to some degree by the shortages of employment and demographical changes. The diversity framework, in particular, offer a defined manner to approach the personalized opinions, dealing them tactically, and outlining the set of existing and potential issues. Within an organization, diversity is all about identifying and valuing the differencing characteristics of individuals and respecting their contradictory and distinctive opinions, orientations, attributes, and requirements. Diversity within the workplace designates to completely recognize the potential advantages that these assorted attributes tend to bring about. In other words, it focuses on overseeing the behaviors, acknowledgment of prejudices/biases, leveraging capabilities and emphasizing on conduct and performance.

Diversity management has recently emerged as one of the major concern for human resource development. Legislation has also updated with the present political, economic and social environment in order to make it responsive and adaptable when required. The government has recently made successful efforts to protect workers from unfair organizational practices of organizations and employers (Raymundo, 2016). Additionally below suggested is the strategy that can facilitate addressing the effects.

  1. Replace change resistance by inclusion and endeavor to involve every possible individual in developing and implementing the initiatives related to diversity within the workplace (Manjoo, 2013).
  2. Foster openness within the workplace and encourage employees to express their opinions and ideas while attributing the sense of equality (Luckerson, 2014).
  3. Make use of the diversity education and training and employ it as a tool for shaping the organizational diversity policy.
  4. Endorse diversity within senior management and leadership as this will offer visibility and appreciate the paybacks of workplace diversity.
  5. Introduce a personalized survey for employee satisfaction which offers extensive reporting. Outcomes of the surveys can be used to develop and execute successful policies related to workplace diversity (Luckerson, 2014).

The economy is progressively becoming global and apparently, the workforce is also infusing diversity. Therefore, organizations are recommended to integrate inclusive diversity policies to ensure competitiveness and success.


 Fortune (2016)

Luckerson, V. (2014). Time Magazine. This Is Why Google Is the Best Place to Work in America

Manjoo, F. (2013). Here’s How Google Became Such a Great Place to Work

Raymundo, O. (2016). 5 Reasons Googlers think it’s the Best Place to Work

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Sketchers Marketing Strategy

Marketing Strategy


  1. 1. Target Customers

Skechers’ mean customers are men, woman and children who enjoy wearing casual or sporty outfits, especially fans of comfortable athletic shoes. Demographics are including 12-24 years old plus 50+ age people. The company is doing very well at targeting customers at 50+ age group because of it had a lot of campaigns with celebrities from the Baby Boomer generation. Company targets different category of customers by developing different product lines (Skechers: Capturing Right Audience, 2015).

  1. 2. Promotions

Sketchers uses traditional print and television advertising and also they collaborate with celebrities in their advertisements to make a positive image. Online websites and trade shows are useful to their customers. The company budgets its advertising as a strategy to save cost (Profile: Skechers USA Inc).

  1. 3. Licensing Agreements

Skechers selects certain amount of manufacturers to be its licensees. By using this way the company can save huge amount of financial investment and extra operating costs. In addition, it does not have to be responsible for all of the manufacturers and labors, and have more time and energy to focus on product development. The company has 23 distributors and 15 of the licensees have opened total 374 distributor-licensed or -owned Skechers stores and 118 of licensee-owned Skechers retail stores are in over 60 countries by the end of year 2014 (SKECHERS FOURTH QUARTER, 2015).

  1. 4. Apparel Product Lines and Prices Ranges

Skechers offers a various range of Skechers-branded product lines targeting men, women and kids. Within the product lines, there are also many categories, many of them have even developed into famous names. Most of the categories are packaged and marketed with its unique shoe boxes, labels and in-store support. Management evaluates each segment performance based primarily on its sales and gross margins. Followings are the Skechers-branded product lines: Skechers USA, Skechers Sport, Skechers Active and Skechers Sport Active, BOBS from Skechers, Mark Nason, Skechers Performance, Skechers Kids, and Skechers Work. Each of these brands targets different customers and the price point is also different from each other (Profile: Skechers USA Inc).

  1. 5. Global Sourcing Strategies

Most of the products are manufactured in either China or Vietnam. It is adopting an independent manufacturer strategy to increase its liquidity and decrease a lot of production cost. It is also efficient to use previously co-operated footwear producers to save production cost. The company is sourcing its footwear from at least 5 different producers and the strategy creates less trouble at the production process (SKECHERS FOURTH QUARTER, 2015).

  1. 6. Production Planning and Strategies

Base on the customers demand on certain collection or styles, Skechers creates new collection, and less appealing collection or styles can be discontinued after limited productions. Usually the concept stores of Skechers can help them forecast sales in domestic retail stores while other wholesalers and retail stores can provide information such as past and recent sales to help the company make wise decisions in managing manufacturing and inventories. This strategy prevents the company from over producing and other loss, and be more affectively profitable in having the right amount of merchandises (SKECHERS FOURTH QUARTER, 2015).

  1. 7. Quality Control Procedures

Sketchers believe in one thought that quality control means everything to the company. Quality control helps it keep good quality of products and also give it reputation. The quality control staffs have a series of inspection procedures to test raw materials before manufacturing; the U.S. office will also send staffs to overseas manufacturers to insure the production quality. Samples and materials of production and final products prior to shipment (SKECHERS FOURTH QUARTER, 2015).

  1. 8. Overall Conclusion

As a two-billion-dollar worth footwear company, Skechers is dedicated to design, develop and producing quality products to its customers including men, woman and children. It out sources to China and Vietnam for manufacturing and licenses its name to many distributors in different countries. The company pays attention to its product quality. It advertise the products through traditional print advertisements and celebrity campaigns in order to create its stylish and healthy image. Its strategies helps it recently become the second largest athlete foot wear company in the United States (Nazario, 2015).





SKECHERS Affiliate Program. Retrieved April 15, 2016, from


Profile: Skechers USA Inc (SKX). Retrieved April 30, 2016, from

Skechers: Capturing Right Audience, Set For Further Growth. (2015). Retrieved April 30, 2016, from

Nazario, M. (2015, September 29). An underdog is taking over the sneaker market. Retrieved April 30, 2016, from