case analysis

Patient’s Presenting Complaint and Past Medical History

This case encompasses a patient with a long history of nasal-laryngeal cancer. Although the patient has not previously experienced major health complications, he has suffered from this cancer for twenty five years. Numerous health risks are associated with this type of cancer. For instance, the cancer might easily spread to other parts of the patient’s respiratory system and cause lung cancer. Additionally, this health complication can elevate the risk of contracting chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. This is because of the capacity of the nasal-laryngeal cancer to derail the functioning of the entire respiratory system. On presenting at the health care facility, the patient’s main complaint was difficulty in breathing.

Investigation and Examination Findings

Based on the complaints and the medical history, it was crucial to perform some scans on the patient. This was achieved through the use of computerised temography (CT). CT scans are massively essential in terms of evaluating underlying health complications in a patient’s body system. Additionally, such scans are associated with exemplary standards of accuracy. The results obtained from the CT scan helped in establishing that the patient’s nose had a tumour.

In the wake of these findings, an endoscopic sinus surgery was identified as the best approach of removing the underlying tumour in the patient’s nose. This intricate medical procedure was duly executed on the advice of a leading ENT professional. It was highly likely that the tumour detected in the patient’s nose was solely responsible for the breathing difficulties he was experiencing. The surgery to remove tumour was done successfully in a first-class health care facility.

Family and Social History

There were no records of nasal-laryngeal cancer with regard to the patient’s history. This perspective excludes the possibility of the patient suffering from the breathing difficulties due to family history. Similarly, there lacked significant social dimensions which would have had direct implications on the patient’s health. However, the patient’s family was strongly concerned about his wellbeing and recovery from the different complications he had experienced. Both the social and family backgrounds are essential dimensions with regard to the evaluation of the ethical framework of a medical case.


Following the computed temography scans, the patient was diagnosed as having a nasal tumour. This vindicates the FESS operation which was performed on the patient. Upon the completion of the surgery, the patient was returned to the ward in order to facilitate for recuperation.


Although the FESS surgery was immensely successful, the patient experienced some difficulties after being taken back to the ward. For instance, he had difficulties while coughing. Additionally, he struggled to swallow any food. This prompted an investigation into the possible causes of the complications given the smooth operation. The investigations helped in the detection of gauze within the patient’s throat. This gauze had been recklessly left in the throat by the anaesthetist after the FESS operation.

Although the gauze was removed from the patient’s throat, the patient continued to experience complications while swallowing food substances or even drinks. One of the management strategies used in handling this problem was the infusion of dietary supplements into the patient’s body system. Additionally, an NG tube was placed in the patient’s nose in order to enhance his recovery from the surgery. Both the patient and the family were understandably depressed by the high levels of negligence evident in the operating theatre. The failure to remove the green gauze from the patient’s throat after the operation epitomises medical negligence, and hence unethical behaviour from the anaesthetist and the entire medical team (Pooler, 2009). By leaving the green gauze in the patient’s throat, he was exposed to extensive health risks.

Ethical and Legal Aspects of the Case

There are numerous ethical and legal aspects that relate directly to this case. From an ethical perspective, it is against the doctrine of medical ethics for professionals to be negligent while handling any patient. This doctrine seeks to safeguard patient’s rights and thus ensure that his wellbeing is prioritised while making all health care decisions (Miller, 2006). Based on the insights derived from the case, the anaesthetist left the green gauze in the patient’s throat. This gauze had negative ramifications on the patient’s wellbeing. He could barely swallow any food due to the excessive pain in the throat.

The green gauze also caused a lot of pain to the patient. According to the fundamental principles of ethics in health care, the rights of patients must be safeguarded while making all decisions (Pozgar, 2011). However, this stipulation was violated by the anaesthetist. The doctrine of double effect was also violated extensively in this case.

Based on the stipulations of this doctrine, the costs and benefits should be examined before making any decision concerning the healthcare of individuals. When the green gauze was left in the patient’s throat, it just caused him intractable pain. While handling patients, the focus should be on the alleviation of pain. However, this was not done while the anaesthetist was dealing with the patient. The gauze could have easily caused serious complications or even death. This accentuates why the case is characterised by extensive violation of medical ethics. The case also has numerous legal aspects.

There are numerous legal statutes which seek to avert any kind of unprofessionalism in health care (McSherry, 2002). The negligence portrayed by the anaesthetist provides a platform for legal analysis. This can from the basis of serious lawsuits against the anaesthetist and also the entire hospital. In health care, any kind of negligence is tantamount to the violation of law. The negligent behaviour of the anaesthetist undermined the patient’s health. This is a glaring violation of the law. All these aspects put into perspective the essential ethical and legal aspects of the case.

Synthesis of Literature

Numerous researchers have extensively tackled the issue of negligence in health care. This is largely because of an escalation in the occurrence rates of incidents of medical negligence across the globe. In view of such studies, it is pertinent to assess some of the most notable findings and concepts as directly pertain to the issue of medical negligence (Scott, 2006). There are various aspects that help in the verification of occurrence of negligence in health care. The first element involves the duty of care. This element applies to all professionals and other role players in the provision of health care.

It is massively crucial for health care practitioners to maintain high standards of care while handling all patients (Mills, 2012). All health care practitioners are charged with the responsibility of safeguarding the wellbeing of patients irrespective of their physical condition, background, and other social aspects. When a health care practitioner negates his duty, this is categorized as clinical or medical negligence. Additionally, negligence of duty can serve as evidence against a health care professional in a court of law. In order to avert such eventualities, health care practitioners must maintain exemplary standards of caution or care while handling any kind of patient (Jones, 2003). The second constituent element of negligence encompasses the breach of duty. This violation occurs when a health care practitioner does not perform his duties in line with the established standards. In such instances, the health care professionals are deemed to have acted below the set standards.

The breach of duty is intentional in most cases and this can serve as evidence for negligence in the provision of health care (Scott, 2009). The breach of duty does not only apply to the treatment of patients but also in other phases such as the diagnostic process. The third pertinent component of negligence is causation. It is massively critical to ensure that the negligent actions of the health care practitioner caused suffering or deterioration of the patient’s condition. The stipulation of causation applies extensively while examining the ethical and legal dimensions of negligence.

Hospitals and health care organizations are also integral components of any framework of clinical negligence (Bayer, 2007). Different researchers have established that the health care organizations must be proactive towards the mitigation of negligence among the health care practitioners. If hospitals do not establish the relevant mechanisms, this creates an environment that facilitates for negligence among the heath care professionals. Additionally, it is essential for such organisations to streamline the framework for ethics among the nurses, physician, and other staff members. As an integral component of health care, ethics should form the basis of actions and decisions among doctors and nurses alike. This is because ethics have the inherent capacity to streamline the approaches used by practitioners while handling patients.

Ethical guidelines ensure that all decisions are founded on positive intentions with regard to the wellbeing of patients. There are numerous ethical stipulations which are directly related negligence (Holland, 2007). For instance, the principle of the respect for autonomy seeks to prevent patients from being coerced into some decisions. This principle also seeks to ensure that the health care practitioner involves others while deciding on the best treatment approach for a given patient. The principle of the double effect is another vital component of ethics. This principle has helped immensely in the alleviation of negligence from health care practice. In essence, this ethical principle focuses on the significance of maximising gains for the patients as compared to the undesirable implications. Consequently, this ethical framework is vastly useful from the perspective of alleviating malpractices in health care.

Reflective Section

The analysis of this case has been immensely beneficial in terms of gaining the required understanding of ethical and legal aspects of managing patients. While different patients are characterised by different kinds of needs, ethics apply to everyone. In line with this stipulation, some patients should not be handled or treated favourably as compared to others. The case presents a glaring instance of medical negligence.

The anaesthetist breached his duty by failing to remove the green gauze from the patient’s throat. Had this health care professional been more cautious, the wellbeing of the patient would have been safeguarded. In order to avert the occurrence of such instances of clinical negligence, it is massively critical for organisations to establish strict guidelines on ethics. This is because of the sensitive nature of the health care profession. Negligence not only complicates the patient’s conditions but also can lead to death. In view of such undesirable implications, the law should also take its course. This is because the breach of duty in health care practice is tantamount to the violation of the law (Scott, 2009). This emphasizes the significance of health care professionals conforming to ethical and legal guidelines. Such guidelines play a pivotal role towards the alleviation of any instance of medical malpractice in the health care profession. The patient in the case experienced extensive depression because of the pain caused by the green gauze.

Additionally, his family was also affected psychologically because they wanted the best treatment standards for their loved ones. This highlights the extent to which negligence poses risks to the patient and also the immediate family. When a patient checks into a health care facility, he should be assured of accessing the best possible treatment. In essence, patients literally entrust their lives with the health care practitioners. It is thus unethical and fundamentally illegal for health care professionals to be negligent (Mills, 2012). The anaesthetist involved in clinical malpractice in this case must be sued and cater for the damages inflicted on the patient. Although the FESS surgery was completed successfully, the patient’s recovery was delayed. This is largely because of the recklessness of the anaesthetist as he was attending to the patient following the operation. This case should serve as a platform for the implementation of strict legal and ethical guidelines in health care organisations.



Bayer, R 2007. Public health ethics: theory, policy, and practice. Oxford University Press, Oxford

Holland, S 2007. Public health ethics, Polity Press, Malden

Jones, MA 2003. Medical negligence, Sweet & Maxwell Limited

McSherry, R 2002. Practice development in the clinical setting, Nelson Thomas Inc.

Miller, R 2006. Problems in health care law, Jones & Bartlett Learning, Sudbury

Mills, K 2012. Medical negligence, AuthorHouse, Bloomington

Pooler, MS 2009. Delmar’s comprehensive medical assisting, Cengage Learning, Mason

Pozgar, G 2011. Legal aspects of health care administration, Jones & Bartlett Learning, Sudbury

Scott, RW 2006. Legal aspects of documenting patient care, Jones & Bartlett Learning, Sudbury

Scott, SC 2009. Case studies in public health ethics, APHA Publications


Online Education


Online education encompasses the use of internet-based programs such as videoconferencing, emails, and instant messaging to transfer knowledge to the learner. Advancements in technology have greatly accelerated the rates of integrating online education in numerous institutions. The extensive popularity of online education has been significantly triggered by its advantages. The positive implications of online education range from convenience to time efficiency. These advantages have attracted a lot of students to enroll for online education programs. The benefits of online education also include the emphasis on content delivery for each learner. Despite these merits, online education has some drawbacks. This type of learning does not cater for adequate interpersonal communications between the students and teachers. Online education also has the demerit of being over-reliant on technology systems.

Communication between students and online educators is hampered when there is a technological breakdown. Due to such drawbacks, solutions are required within the online education sector. These solutions must be linked to the numerous challenges affecting online educational programs. The determination of a student’s learning style is among the best solutions. This intervention would help in establishing whether a student should be considered for an online education program. The results of such intervention would be an improvement in the efficiency of different computer-based learning programs. This research narrows down on the merits, drawbacks, solutions, and results for online education.



Advantages of Online Education

Online education prepares individuals for the modern working environment. Most organizations in the 21st Century use the latest technological systems in their respective operations. During recruitment, the employees must recruit employees with the required proficiency in current technology. Online students are exposed to the best technologies in terms of software and computer applications. They are also exposed to emerging trends in hardware components for different system requirements. These are essential attributes for enhancing the proficiency of students in current technologies. Due to such skills, modern employers mostly prefer the graduates of online education. In contrast, an individual educated using the traditional classroom approach is at a considerable disadvantage in the proficiency of current technological trends (Gerard, 2012).

In essence, the graduates of online education programs are considered as the finished product in the modern job market. This is because such students possess excellent skills in advanced computer operations and innovativeness. In addition to competitiveness in the job market, online education is highly flexible. The online educator can modify the course structure in line with the intelligence levels of different learners. Such modifications are immensely essential in the improvement of learning outcomes. The flexibility of e-learning is also depicted by the adjustments made on the duration of a given lesson. In a normal classroom setup, the duration of lessons is always definite. In such setups, the instructor can barely extend or shorten the duration of a lesson because of rigidity of timetables (Adrian, 2012). Online education is helpful in that it mitigates such rigidity.

The teacher can plan about the duration of each lecture depending on the student’s availability. A session can also be extended in case the learner requires additional clarifications. This is a high level of flexibility that has greatly accelerated the popularity of online education among most people. In online education programs, the learners can obtain immediate feedback from instructors. Computer-based learning has excellent systems for assessing tests within minutes. This provides the student with timely feedback. The computer based education programs also have effective self-assessment systems. These quizzes are essential for learners, and they are administered even in the absence of tutors. In the traditional classroom settings, students must wait for days or even weeks in order to obtain feedback about their performance in continuous tests.

Online education has the advantage of exciting students about learning. Due to the excellent levels of flexibility, most learners always look forward to the program. Computer-based education programs are also advantageous in that they integrate theoretical frameworks into practical perspectives (McPhee, 2012). This helps in strengthening the student’s ability to apply the knowledge in the workplace as an employee. Minimal time is wasted in online education. This is due to the exemplar scheduling in any course for online education. Time efficiency is a pertinent element of quality improvement within the learning process. These different perspectives underline the numerous advantages of online education.

Disadvantages of Online Education

Online education is widely considered as an inevitable aspect of the 21st Century. However, it has some notable disadvantages. These learning programs require an exceptional standard of self-discipline and time management. The instructor is not in physical contact with the student, and this is an ingredient for the learning program to get out of hand. This is because of the extensive freedom and autonomy afforded to students in online education. It is almost impossible for the online educator to establish an effective mode of punishing students when they do not complete assignments on time or violate the guidelines. In a physical lecture room, a student must behave or face the lecturer’s wrath. Developing such an environment in online education is more or less impractical (Nikolaos, 2012). This is a shortcoming of online education because it significantly compromises the efficiency of learning. Legitimacy is also a pertinent challenge in online education.

There are countless websites offering online educational programs for students in any field or level of specialization. The validity of some of these websites is massively questionable. The competence of the instructors used in some online programs has also been called into question by educational experts. Such perspectives provide substantial challenges for students as they seek to choose between a legitimate website for online education and an unauthorized institution. Due to such confusion, an individual might lose thousands of dollars to unauthorized facilitators for online educations. In the job market, some employers are skeptical about the quality of knowledge acquired by students in online education. Such employers will mostly prefer to recruit the graduates of recognizable institutions as opposed to the holders of online certificates.

Online education limits the development of a student’s skills in face to face communications. The virtual classrooms do not offer the personal touch or connections between learners and tutors. The students are also limited in terms of interacting with colleagues. This is an undesirable aspect of personal development. In essence, the virtual classrooms used for online education are more or less secluded. This implies that the student’s face to face interactions are massively limited. Online education is highly dependent on technology (Spencer & Hassan, 2011). Like any innovation, computers are susceptible to faults. The technical hitches can negatively affect the entire online learning process. The acquisition of some of the devices used for online education is also considerably expensive. This is an indicator of the shortcomings of overdependence on technology for education. A student might not be conversant with the technological devices used in computer based learning (Faulk, 2010). This has negative implications on the efficiency of online education.

Solutions for Online Education

Interventions are required in order to mitigate the different disadvantages or shortcomings of online education. The first solution applies to the issue of discipline and time management within the online learning environment. The instructor must guide the student about the essence of time management. Most online educators assume that students realize the significant role of time management in learning. However, most students are more or less ignorant about it. It is thus pertinent for the instructor to develop a strategy for encouraging the students about enhancing their skills in time management. Another solution focuses on the legitimacy issues for online education (Eleni, 2009).

It is essential for internet regulators to develop a program for identifying unauthorized websites. The identification of such websites is a pertinent step in protecting students from paying money to dubious online education programs. This kind of control is also an essential strategy for enhancing the validity of online courses. Proficiency in modern technological systems has been a massive stumbling block for most students in computer based learning.

These students cannot use the different hardware and software components due to complexity issues. The best solution for this drawback is to develop a user-friendly system with special components for the students. This would mitigate the complications experienced by most students in online education. The issue of cost is also immensely significant within the solution framework for online education. The government must subsidize the high costs of the digital devices necessary for online education (Robinson, 2008). These devices include personal computers, tablets, and personal digital assistants.

Connectivity is also an essential input of online education, and needs to be subsidized in order to enhance the outcomes of online education. Instructors must always evaluate the preferred learning style among the students enrolled for online education. Knowing the learning style helps in strengthening the quality of the course content. This would enhance the credibility of online education, and hence make it acceptable among employers in the job market.


In view of the identified solutions, it is crucial to evaluate the results for online education. Among the most notable outcomes is that online education increases the creativity of students. The consistent exposure to current technological systems ensures that students acquire the required skills of being innovative. These skills are invaluable in the workplace because of the rapid rates of technological advancement. The results of online education are also depicted by the high enrollment rates for higher education. This is a trend notable across the globe (Davis, 2008).

While a university might have inadequate space to accommodate students based on the high demand, online education ensures that the challenge is mitigated. The capacity of online education is almost limitless as long as the student is connected to the internet. This is a positive result of the interventional strategies for online education. The results of online education also have undesirable implications. Online education does not offer an option for extra-curricular activities. The students enrolled for these educational programs are just exposed to academic work. This is because it is more or less impossible to integrate sporting activities into the framework for online education (Smith, 2008). This is among the most glaring drawback of online education. While the student might acquire vast academic knowledge, the development of talent is not achieved.

Another result for online education is the enrichment of globalization. This is a phenomenon in which people share with each other using the numerous technological devices. Due to online education, globalization has been enhanced at intensive rates. People are interested about other cultures and this has immensely strengthened the development of the global village. Consequently, globalization can be considered as a positive result of online education. Improvement in literacy levels is also a positive implication of online education (Spencer & Hassan, 2011). The numerous online education programs provide exceptional opportunities for individuals to pursue quality education. This is advantageous because it increases the knowledge levels across the entire humanity.


The four main dimensions of online education have been examined for this research. These dimensions are the positive implications, shortcomings, solutions, and results for online educational programs. The notable positive implications include an improvement in global literacy levels, flexibility, and emphasis on quality content.

Additionally, online education ensures that universities can increase their intake because space is not a limiting factor in online education. The outstanding disadvantages include the risk of incurring losses to fraudulent facilitators of online education. These are unqualified instructors who correspond to students over the internet for learning purposes. This is a perceptive that can undermine the quality of education in e-learning. Legitimacy is also a pertinent issue which characterizes online education. It occurs when questions are raised about the kind of skills and knowledge obtained by students in online education. The solutions include the introduction of a regulation strategy for identifying credible programs for online education.



Adrian, G. (2012). Recruiters’ perceptions of information systems graduates with traditional and online education, Journal of Information Systems Education, 23(2), Accessed on 25th July     2013 from               DF/13F7A969BCB775269EE/6?accountid=15042

Davis, C. K. (2008). Online Education Forum , Journal of Information Systems Education, 19(3),            Accessed on 25th July 2013 from               DF/13F7A969BCB775269EE/26?accountid=15042

Eleni, O. (2009). Conceptual collective online reflection, Multicultural Education & Technology   Journal, 3(2), Accessed on 25th July 2013 from               DF/13F7A969BCB775269EE/24?accountid=15042

Faulk, N. (2010). Online teacher education-what are the results, Contemporary Issues in    Education Research, 3(11), Accessed on 25th July 2013 from               DF/13F7A969BCB775269EE/16?accountid=15042

Gerard, F. (2012). A study of onsite vs. online students’ perceptions, Academy of Educational     Leadership Journal, 16(4), Accessed on 25th July 2013 from               DF/13F7A969BCB775269EE/2?accountid=15042

McPhee. I. (2012). Reflections on learning outcomes, Campus – Wide Information Systems,         29(3), Accessed on 25th July 2013 from            DF/13F7A969BCB775269EE/7?accountid=15042

Nikolaos, L. (2012). Employers’ perspectives of online education, Campus – Wide Information     Systems, 29(3), Accessed on 25th July 2013 from               DF/13F7A969BCB775269EE/8?accountid=15042

Robinson, C. C. (2008). Student engagement in online learning, Journal of Education for Business, 84(2), Accessed on 25th July 2013 from               DF/13F7A969BCB775269EE/25?accountid=15042

Smith, D. E. (2008). The real costs and quality of online programs, Journal of Education for          Business, 83(3), Accessed on 25th July 2013 from               DF/13F7A969BCB775269EE/31?accountid=15042

Spencer, B. & Hassan, A. (2011). Conceptualization and measurement of perceived risk of           online education, Academy of Educational Leadership Journal, 15(4), Accessed on 25th         July 2013 from               DF/13F7A969BCB775269EE/10?accountid=15042


Time Management and Students GPA







Time Management and Students GPA

[Writer’s Name]

[Institute’s Name]








The correlation between time management skill and students’ academic success has been determined by the investigation of existing literature and a conducted research study. The principal objective of the study is to examine the impact of time management skill on student’s academic performance. Moreover, the correlation between avoiding plagiarism and time management skill is another investigative goal of the study. Therefore, this study is an amalgamation of both secondary research and primary research approaches. The expected findings of the literature have suggested that time management aids the students to avoid plagiarism and is conducive to their academic success. The primary research will prove/disapprove the existence of the same trend in the present time.

Time Management and Students GPA

Purpose Statement & Rationale

Education is pursued with the objective to attain high-paid jobs, get a respectable position in the society, and principally a flourished standard of living. However, it is significant to mark that time is considerably the integral resource that facilitates the individuals to achieve any goal, whether personal, academic, or professional. Effective utilization of time for a student can create a difference between mediocre and a superior academic performance. Nevertheless, it is imperative to control the time if it needs to be utilized to the maximum. Plagiarism is one of the adverse consequences of ineffective time management by the student. It is also referred to as a serious offense, which can lead the student into massive trouble.

With respect to the significance students’ academic achievement, the research study intends to examine the facet of time management on their GPA. In this context, the research statement is “how can time management help students to avoid plagiarism and lead them to success.” With that in mind, the research study will particularly focus on the benefit of time management skill. The research also aims to expose how poor time management can result in decreased performances of the students with an elevated probability of plagiarism content in their work. Collectively, the information gathered will reflect all the different aspects required to reach a conclusion with regard to time management skill as the leading component to achieve higher academic performance.

Statement of Qualification

From a personal perspective, academic achievement has a strong relationship to the time management skill. It has been personally experienced that having control over my time and working in accordance with the allocated time has facilitated me to produce high-quality work. It is because I can carry out a focused research or the background study on the assigned task comprehensively, and after thoroughly understanding it, I can formulate the assignments with originality. It not only widened my pool of knowledge but also helped me in excelling academically, with regard to my grades.

Literature Review

Several ingredients contribute to the academic achievement of the students. Amongst them, the time management skill has been surfaced as a critical factor that plays an influential role in the academic success of the students. Fewer instances of plagiarism have been associated with the component of effective utilization of time management skill.

During the program of study, the students are required to provide several assignments and research-based writing content. It is expected from the teachers that the students will provide hundred percent true and original piece of writing. However, empirical studies (Macan, Shahani, Dipboye & Phillips, 1990; Gortner & Zulauf, 2000; Park, 2003) indicate that when the students manage their time poorly, they are likely to plagiarize. It is because the time and effort required for original work is wasted by the students and they are left with no choice apart from providing a plagiarized writing content.

Extensive empirical studies (Britton & Tesser, 1991; Grimes, 1997; Kern, Fagley & Miller, 1998) have surfaced the fact that time management skills have a positive impact on the GPA of students. The findings of the study demonstrate that the students are able to concentrate on their studies effectively and efficiently if they manage their time accordingly. It is because having control over the time; the students are able to distribute their time proficiently. Besides, the time management skill also alleviates the burden of college studies. Accordingly, it enhances their level of attention and focus for every task they perform, whether it is the preparation for a test or a formulating a research study. As an outcome, utilization of time management skills enhances the academic performances of such students, and they have scored high GPA in contrast to the students that have lacked the capability of managing their time.

Research studies (Akinsola & Tella, 2007; Jackson, Weiss, Lundquist & Hooper, 2003) also highlight that students, particularly high school and undergraduate students, are required to submit outsized research papers during their academic years. However, many students fail to complete their task and become overwhelmed with time when the due dates loom. As an outcome of procrastination, the students are convinced to plagiarize other’s work because of a shortage of time. The panic is created because of the time pressure, which contributes to the seeking out for an expedient shortcut.

The narrow approach of the students eventually affects their academic performances, and they are not able to attain high GPA. It implies that the lack of control over time limits the students’ achievement. On the other hand, the students who practice time management skills are likely to structure their research papers, and on regular intervals complete their work with originality. Consequently, they have a stronger grip on their learned material, which aids them in achieving high scores (Kachgal, Hansen & Nutter, 2001).


With respect to the aims and objectives of the research study, a combined approach consisting of primary as well as secondary research methods are employed (Hamilton, 2005). The secondary approach will focus on gathering the findings of previous studies to develop a background of the relation between time management skill and students’ academic performance. Journal articles, books, newspapers, blogs, and other research papers will be comprehensively looked upon for the preliminary information on the impact of time management skills on the students’ academic accomplishments.

Subsequently, a primary approach will be utilized to gather data by carrying out an in-depth interview with the college students. Random sampling will be done to choose samples from sophomore, junior, and final year students. A sample of 50 students will be targeted to gather comprehensive information about their practices of time management and their GPAs. Hence, a relation will be analyzed between the effectiveness of time management skill with the ultimate outcome in the academic facet. A comparison of primary and secondary research findings will be carried out to reach a conclusion about the subject matter.

Expected Findings and Implications

Extensive scholarly literature has suggested that numerous students lack the skills of time management and planning ability. Therefore, it is analyzed that if students tend to develop poor time management skills, it will affect their academic success rate. Moreover, development of proper time management skills will enable the students to avoid plagiarism, and provide a genuine and original copy of their work. However, it is prudent to note that if students intend to achieve academic success, they need to cross the hurdle of avoiding plagiarism, which can extensively be accomplished through proper time management skill.

Since the professional arena is becoming highly competitive day by day, it requires the professionals in all the sectors to furnish good-quality work under the scenario of time pressure. If students are unable to manage their schedules in colleges, it raises immense concern about their ability to serve their employers efficiently after passing out. It is significant to note that a student with poor time management skills will have to struggle enormously in the run of career development. It guarantees absolutely no success for a person with inadequate time management capabilities in the professional world.


Akinsola, M. K., Tella, A., & Tella, A. (2007). Correlates of academic procrastination and mathematics achievement of university undergraduate students. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science & Technology Education, 3(4), 363-370.

Britton, B. K., & Tesser, A. (1991). Effects of time-management practices on college grades. Journal of educational psychology, 83(3), 405-410.

Gortner Lahmers, A., & Zulauf, C. R. (2000). Factors associated with academic time use and academic performance of college students: A recursive approach. Journal of College Student Development, 41, 544-556.

Grimes, S. K. (1997). Underprepared community college students: Characteristics, persistence, and academic success. Community College Journal of Research and Practice, 21(1), 47-56.

Hamilton, J. (2005). Primary and Secondary Sources. Minnesota, USA: ABDO.

Jackson, T., Weiss, K. E., Lundquist, J. J., & Hooper, D. (2003). The impact of hope, procrastination, and social activity on academic performance of Midwestern college students. Education, 124(2), 310.

Kachgal, M. M., Hansen, L. S., & Nutter, K. J. (2001). Academic procrastination prevention/intervention: Strategies and recommendations. Journal of Developmental Education, 25(1), 14-21.

Kern, C. W., Fagley, N. S., & Miller, P. M. (1998). Correlates of college retention and GPA: Learning and study strategies, testwiseness, attitudes, and ACT. Journal of College Counseling, 1(1), 26-34.

Macan, T. H., Shahani, C., Dipboye, R. L., & Phillips, A. P. (1990). College students’ time management: Correlations with academic performance and stress. Journal of educational psychology, 82(4), 760-768.

Park, C. (2003). In other (people’s) words: Plagiarism by university students–literature and lessons. Assessment & evaluation in higher education, 28(5), 471-488.